About me
Hello, my name is Nat Aguilera and I’m a UX/UI designer.
I knew that I wanted to devote my life to UX/UI design while working as a content manager on a tourist apartment enterprise. Aribnb and HomeAway backoffices were my everyday pain points, and that's when i found out about UX/UI.
As I started to enter to the UX/UI world, I studied a free web developement course to be able to talk to the developers while working on my desired future position. I found out about Wallapop scholarships to study UX/UI design at Ironhack. I applied and I won a half scholarship. I finished the UX/UI bootcamp at Ironhack Barcelona on June 2019.
I'm also an Audiovisual Communication graduate, so on my free time I do music videos and watch lots of films. You can also see me enjoying a cold beer on a music show.